Journal for Emerging Affect Inquiry
Image: Very large array, John Fowler, 2012

Revise and Resubmit

Responding to Reviewers’ Comments

If you have received a ‘revise and resubmit’ decision the first thing to note is that we mean it: revise and resubmit. Reviewers could have rejected the paper, so do not be disheartened by the decision, but equally, revise your paper. Whether you secretly think the reviewers are an out-of-date bunch that clearly do not understand your vision, or not (hopefully not), please assume that each reviewer intended their comments to be helpful. As such consider the following in your response to reviewers:

Reviewers may request another round of reviews, they might respond to your response, or you might simply receive another decision from the Editors-in-Chief. Whatever the case your resubmission will be reviewed again, so your response will read and responded to, hopefully within four to six weeks.
